I’m going through a situation that I’m finding incredibly stressful at the moment (basically involving getting permission to do some work for my PhD). I feel like there are multiple bureaucratic hoops and every one that I get through seems to throw up five more for me to get through. In addition to this, time is getting short and I need to start making practical arrangements to carry out this work.
Psalm 37:5 says “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will act.” This verse challenges me. I feel that I should trust the Lord and know that in Him and through Him everything will work out but that letting go is hard, especially when there are various things I need to do at different times to sort everything out. I feel like I’m learning a lesson I’d rather not be taught – can I let go of my human worries, of what I think needs to be done and of my worries about the costs of doing it and trust God to lead me in the way that He knows is right. The message of the verse is obvious and undeniable. There is only one option – to commit my way to the Lord and trust in Him. So not only am I praying about the situation. I’m praying that God enables me to do what I should and commit it to Him.